Prompt:  What is the first thing you do when you wake-up every morning?  Why?

I am not a morning person.  I’ve never been a morning person.  Ever.  Never-ever.  Even as a child.  My morning “waking up process” is like this:  after I achieve conscientious (that’s important, because I can get out of bed, medicate Princess Fiona and go back to sleep), the first thing that I do is put my glasses on and then check my phone for texts, emails or other messages.  This has been the habit for the past couple of years.  Before that, I didn’t have to put glasses on to read (I miss my pre-40 year old eyes).

Why do I do this?  Well…  I use my phone as my alarm clock.  In desperate times, I will also set alarms on my pad as well, just to make sure that I don’t snooze until whenever.  I snooze a lot.   This started back when I was still working.  My staff would text me if they were going to be sick or running late or whatever, so I would check the phone when I wake up to know what I was in for.  Since I work for myself now, I check it for texts related to Scouting or from the boys.  Then I check messages to see if I’ve gotten any orders or questions for the business.

Then once I am up and out of bed, I make myself a pot of tea and begin planning out the day.   It’s not glamorous or adventurous, but it is my life and I like it.