Prompt: Write about something you would still buy if it cost twice as much as it costs today.
I stopped smoking years ago (almost 30 years ago, and not had an “accidental” cigarette in about 4 years); I can’t drink because of my meds, so that takes out the really expensive nasty habits that I used to have. So what’s left?
I have a horrible hot tea habit. I will drink anything from Taylors of Harrogate and any Barry’s Teas. I those are the main teas that I drink everyday. I go through about 2 pots a day, which equals about 8 bags. I had to switch from loose because it was 1) cost prohibitive with as much as I drink, 2) I didn’t have the room for all the tins of tea (who can throw them away once empty) and 3) the tea leaves were creating drain issues.
In other posts I’ve lamented on and on about how much tea I have stuffed away in a cabinet. It’s all still there. I was even going to start (and I did and only got 4 entries in) a “tea of the week” blog. However, I decided that I didn’t’ want to open some of the teas from their packaging (I have “souvenir teas” from overseas that I will NEVER open. The french teas, the Scottish teas, etc), but most of all, I really didn’t want to go digging around in the Tetris packed cabinet to dig out a tea and drink it to completion. So I stick with those that I can get easily by popping over to the shop or ordering on-line.
I would still buy the usual teas at twice the price because it is comforting to me to be able to have my chosen caffeine delivery system be the same everyday. It’s the one constant that I don’t want to change.