Now that I have grown up, I still drink a lot of tea.  But I have outgrown Lipton.  I’m not going to say it’s bad tea, it’s just that, well, when that’s all you have, and you drink it every day, for dozens of years, you get to not like it any more.

So my thirst (lol) for a new tea to drink began later in my life – in my late twenties.

It all started innocently enough.  The hubby and I were going to go to England for holiday.  It was close to Christmas time and we were there for 10 amazing days.  Each morning at the hotel, we would have breakfast.  I don’t remember if it was a full english breakfast or not.  But I remember that the tea pot they would bring out was adorable and the tea was yummy.  It was perfect with the crusty bread and cheese.  I was still skinny then, so I didn’t eat a lot, but I drank the heck out of the tea. Pot after pot of tea.  Yumm-o!  Then we’d be off on our adventure for the day.

We purchased quite a bit of tea to bring home with us.  I actually still have some of it in the “Never Drink” section of the tea cabinet.

As my love for hot tea grew, so did my collection.  Fast forward several years.  The hubby had to work in Paris (France, not Texas) for a month.  I was blessed enough to be able to take time off work and go spend a long weekend with him.  We toured around, had afternoon tea and found an upscale grocery store and I went freaking wild in the tea section.  It’s been 8 years since then and most of those teas are also in the “Never Drink” section as well.

Since then, a World Market has opened close to the house and I’ve been able to find some of the teas there and found some new favourites as well.  I also figured out that Amazon sells teas, so, ummm, yeah, I have a lot of tea.

to be continued in Part 3…