Since I’ve started to journal the sheer amount of tea that I drink, I’ve noticed that my consumption of black tea is 100 times more than that of Green or Red teas.

Why is this?
Honestly,  I think it goes back to drinking all of the tea growing up.  I make a huge pot of tea in the morning (like 40+ oz) and drink on it until it’s gone and, most likely, make another.  Is it a smart thing to flood my body with all that caffeine and sugar?  It’s not.  I know that.  I’m a grown woman though and I’m going to do what I want.  I stopped smoking 20+ years ago, I can’t drink alcohol any more (and I’d LOVE to have a vodka martini right now – even though it’s like 8 am), so what if I drink copious amounts of sugary, hot, black tea throughout the day…

Several hours have past since I started this entry.  Other things have come up (I never knew that volunteering {full time} would keep me so busy), so I do them and come back to this entry.  I had an epiphany moment and it’s not tea related, but I wanted to share.  Why, because why not?

My darling Fiona (she’s my mini dachshund piebald) is sick with meningitis.  We’ve been treating it for about 8 months now.  It is fatal and I won’t have her much longer 0 maybe a year at the most.  Sigh.  I’ve re-arranged my life to be able to give her the medication that she needs, 5 times a day.  And I’m not complaining.  She loves me, she’s always happy to see me and makes me feel better when I’m not feeling well.  Anyway, It was time for her noon meds, which is a pill, and I usually stuff it in some cheese, as I do not enjoy shoving my finger down her throat.  We have 3 other dogs (a lab and 2 other dachshunds) and a rather aged Russian Blue cat.  I have an alarm set on my phone that plays “Agony” from “Into the Woods”.  They all know the tone and go to the kitchen when they hear it.  It’s the funniest thing ever.  They all know the rules, you must sit, and not snatch, but take the cheese gently from my fingers.  Even the cat.  It’s a scene that I can picture Professor Pavlov smiling about.

So back to the tea pot.  I’m on my second pot of tea for the day.  It’s almost cold outside, it’s rainy and dreary.  It’s the perfect day for a cuppa and a Cary Grant movie. But, alas, I have much work to do.  I have several unpainted tea cups and a tea pot calling my name, plus a whole bunch of work with Scouts to do.  As I pour another cuppa, I realize that I have an empty pot and ask myself, “Did I really drink that whole pot?”