When I bought the kilns back in February (or was it March), it was a package deal.  A big kiln (seriously, it could hold an average sized body), and a smaller kiln.  The big one needed some electrical work done, so I’ve been using the small one.

However, as I am getting more pieces ready to go, or larger pieces (like trays or platters), I really needed the bigger one fixed.  So my wonderful hubby and my cousin (the original “bromance”) fixed it up for me.

Today is the first day that I am using that kiln for all the pieces.  It may not seem like a lot, but I have 4 – 6×6 tiles, 15 – 1.5″x1.5″ tiles, 1 – 4×4 tile and 2 serving trays in it.  The sad thing is, one of the trays is back from March, and was the very first piece that I painted (with ceramic paints).  It’s been sitting by my desk waiting to get fired all this time.  I know that it’s going to look horrible, as that’s before I figured out the paints, the colors and the strokes needed.  Well, I’m still working on that as well (shakes fist in the air and screams  “PURPLE”).

I was at the Ceramic Store in the Heights (seriously, if you ever think about taking up the hobby of ceramics, or throwing, this is the place to be.  They are so unbelievably helpful and share their knowledge willingly and completely.  It is totally worth the drive into town to talk with them!) yesterday getting some supplies and after chatting with the owner for a bit, I got a few new products to try.  Those are in the kiln as well.   It’s almost like Christmas when you open the lid on the kiln – it’s like opening presents!  It’s one of my favorite days when i get to “cook”.

The timer just went off, it’s time to crank it up to high and wait for the magic to happen.  Stay tuned … this is going to be awesome!