In today’s episode, Spencer and I try something brand spanking new to us. For the first time in Tea with Linda History, we have something that is not hot tea. We will be having the Republic of Teas Daily Green tea additive. Grab your own cuppa tea and watch us make horrible faces, question why we’re doing this and make statements about kale that you may or may not agree with.

#whimsikettle #RepublicOfTeas #DailyGreenSips

Spencer and I have enjoyed bring you these reviews and we hope that you are enjoying them as well. You are welcome to suggest any teas in the comments below and we will see about giving them a try. If you would like to subscribe to the channel and get alerts when we release new videos on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, I would appreciate that greatly.

Thanks for stopping by and having a cuppa with us. We both appreciate your time!

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Music by: Ikson, song is: “Spring” Check him out here: He’s amazing!